Digital, Digital Get Down: Using Tech to Forge Closer Relationships With Your Members
It’s no secret the future of financial services is digital. With the number of physical branches dwindling across the map, embracing tech can be the difference between success and failure. However, many credit unions worry an increase in tech will put them out of sync with their members.
Luckily, that doesn’t have to be the case. As credit unions consider what strategies are essential to be competitive in today’s market, embracing new technologies should be at the top of the list.
Join Brian Waldron, CEO at Dort Financial Credit Union; Michelle Burke, VP of Mortgage Lending at Westerra; Peter Benjamin, President of ACUMA; and Alex Kutsishin, CEO of Sales Boomerang on April 19th at 2 pm ET to learn how credit unions can use technology to improve their business and make sure they’re in sync with their members.
Check out the recorded webinar On-Demand
Introducing the Speakers
Alex Kutsishin
Brian Waldron
Michelle Burke
Vice President of Mortgage Lending
Peter Benjamin